Five Tips To Prevent The Spread Of Disease When Removing Trees

30 December 2020
, Blog

One reason to remove a tree is due to disease. Care must be taken to ensure that removing the tree doesn't cause the disease to spread to other trees in your yard. 1. Protect Surrounding Landscape The first course of action is to prevent tree debris from falling around or into nearby trees. Your removal service will likely limb the trees first, which means they will carefully remove the branches and lower them to the ground so that the branches don't fall into other trees.
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Why It Is Important To Have Your Trees Trimmed Before A Storm

13 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Keeping your trees trimmed is something you should always stay on top of. It's just healthier for the trees to be kept trimmed how they should be. However, if you find out that a good storm is on its way soon, then this is the time when you are really going to want to make sure you have your trees trimmed if they are due for it. Here are some of the problems that you may face should you decide not to have them trimmed before the storm hits: 
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About Me
Staying Safe During Tree Care

Tree care might seem simple, but it isn't always easy to trim large tree branches. I started thinking about trimming my own trees a few months ago, but after struggling repeatedly to take care of things on my own, I decided that it would probably be best to enlist the help of a professional. They came out, assessed the damage my trees currently had, and then helped me to identify ways to resolve the problem. I wanted to make a blog that talked all about the powerful benefits of professional tree trimming, so that other people understand how to make their homes and gardens more beautiful.
